CloudAtlas helps you modernize Oracle environments to PostgreSQL

UnifyCloud, a rapidly growing information technology and cloud solutions provider with a focus on providing safe, secure, and compliant cloud migration and modernization at an accelerated pace, supports moving Oracle database environments to PostgreSQL open-source technology in the cloud.

On-premises Oracle environments are cumbersome and costly to maintain so we’ve innovated the CloudAtlas platform to provide the analytics and insights to develop a migration strategy to modernize your Oracle environment to PostgreSQL on Azure. This provides organizations the benefits of open-source technology and PostgreSQL, including high availability, scalability, performance tuning capabilities, industry-leading security, and access to a large development community for continuous improvement.

CloudAtlas generates a detailed recommendation based on automated analysis of Oracle environments to provide a clear path to PostgreSQL on Azure with level of effort and costs for compute, storage and hosting options. You can then use this guidance to make the required changes, configure your Azure environment and migrate all within the CloudAtlas platform. CloudAtlas also ensures your PostgreSQL environment adheres to best practices to run reliably and effectively in Azure.

“PostgreSQL is one of the most advanced open-source databases so migrating your Oracle environment to PostgreSQL can modernize your IT environment while giving you access to all the benefits the cloud has to offer.” notes Vivek Bhatnagar, UnifyCloud co-founder and CTO. “CloudAtlas makes this migration fast and easy with advanced automation and expert analysis that facilitates and accelerates the process and decision-making. We know our users will want to take advantage of the opportunity to modernize from Oracle to PostgreSQL on Azure.”

About UnifyCloud:

UnifyCloud was born in the cloud with the creation of the CloudAtlas platform to accelerate the modernization and migration of infrastructure, workloads, applications, and databases to the cloud. Built on Azure PaaS, CloudAtlas spans the entire cloud migration journey, assessing, migrating, and optimizing to Azure. UnifyCloud has been recognized as a finalist for the 2022 Microsoft Worldwide Migration to Azure Partner of the Year Award and the 2021 Microsoft Worldwide Modernizing Applications Partner of the Year Award, winner of the 2020 Microsoft Worldwide Solution Assessment Partner of the Year Award, and is proud to be a Microsoft Gold Partner, Cloud Solution Provider, Azure Data PAC member, IP Cosell Partner, and previously named one of Inc. 500’s fastest-growing Private Companies. For more information, contact or visit

UnifyCloud recognized as finalist for 2022 Microsoft Migration to Azure Partner of the Year

UnifyCloud recognized as finalist for 2022 Microsoft Migration to Azure Partner of the Year

UnifyCloud today announced it has been named a finalist for the Migration to Azure 2022 Microsoft Partner of the Year Award. The company was honored among a global field of top Microsoft partners for demonstrating excellence in innovation and implementation of customer solutions based on Microsoft technology. This is the third consecutive year that UnifyCloud has been honored as a Microsoft Partner of the Year winner or finalist.

“We are thrilled to be recognized by Microsoft for something that is so close to the core of our mission as a company – helping businesses and partners with data-driven application and database modernizations and migration to Azure and realize all the benefits the cloud can deliver. To be honored yet again is proof that UnifyCloud and our CloudAtlas platform is delivering for customers, partners, and Microsoft.” said Marc Pinotti, CEO and co-founder of UnifyCloud.

Vivek Bhatnagar, CTO and co-founder of UnifyCloud added. “We invest significant resources, time, and energy into innovating our software and services and being recognized by Microsoft for the third year in a row is evidence of that commitment. UnifyCloud maintains a state of constant innovation to ensure our CloudAtlas platform meets the changing needs of the marketplace and the growing capabilities of the cloud. From .NET, PHP, Java and Python app modernization to SAP, Oracle, OSS, and VMware data migrations to newer capabilities like Azure Virtual Desktop, Low-code/No-code, and Serverless, UnifyCloud works hard to stay at the leading edge of the cloud.”

The Microsoft Partner of the Year Awards recognize Microsoft partners that have developed and delivered outstanding Microsoft-based applications, services, and devices during the past year. Awards were classified in various categories, with honorees chosen from a set of more than 3,900 submitted nominations from more than 100 countries worldwide. UnifyCloud was recognized for providing outstanding solutions and services in Migration to Azure.

The Migration to Azure Partner of the Year Award recognizes a partner that excels in delivering outstanding solutions for accelerating customer migration to the cloud. This includes helping organizations assess their existing environment, plan their migration and/or modernization of infrastructure, databases, and application workloads, accelerating adoption of Azure at scale and ultimately improving business results, increasing customer value, and helping companies to drive their business forward.

“I am honored to announce the winners and finalists of the 2022 Microsoft Partner of the Year Awards,” said Nick Parker, corporate vice president of Global Partner Solutions at Microsoft. “These partners were outstanding among the exceptional pool of nominees, and I’m continuously impressed by their innovative use of Microsoft Cloud technologies and the impact for their customers.”

Microsoft Partner of the Year Awards are announced annually prior to the company’s global partner conference, Microsoft Inspire, which will take place on July 19-20 this year.

Additional details on the 2022 awards are available on the Microsoft Partner Network blog: The complete list of categories, winners and finalists can be found at

About UnifyCloud:

UnifyCloud was born in the cloud with the creation of the CloudAtlas platform to accelerate the modernization and migration of infrastructure, workloads, applications, and databases to the cloud. Built on Azure PaaS, CloudAtlas spans the entire cloud migration journey, assessing, migrating, and optimizing to Azure. UnifyCloud has been recognized as a finalist for the 2022 Microsoft Worldwide Migration to Azure Partner of the Year Award, finalist for the 2021 Microsoft Worldwide Modernizing Applications Partner of the Year Award, winner of the 2020 Microsoft Worldwide Solution Assessment Partner of the Year Award, and is proud to be a Microsoft Gold Partner, Cloud Solution Provider, Azure Data PAC member, IP Cosell Partner, and previously named one of Inc. 500’s fastest-growing Private Companies.

UnifyCloud’s CloudAtlas Suite of cloud migration solutions

UnifyCloud’s CloudAtlas is a one-stop cloud migration product suite that helps get customers to the cloud quickly, securely, cost-effectively and in compliance. #Migrate #Modernize #CloudMigration #DigitalTransformation #AppModernization #DataMigration #Azure

UnifyCloud has developed an integrated CloudAtlas Suite of cloud migration solutions for #PaaS and #IaaS that assists enterprises through the application lifecycle.

UnifyCloud recognized as finalist for Modernizing Applications 2021 Microsoft Partner of the Year

Redmond, WA, USA — July 8, 2021 — UnifyCloud today announced it has been named a finalist for the 2021 Microsoft Partner of the Year Award for Modernizing Applications. The company was honored among a global field of top Microsoft partners for demonstrating excellence in innovation and implementation of customer solutions based on Microsoft technology.

“We are thrilled to be recognized as a finalist for the Microsoft Modernizing Applications Partner of the Year,” said Marc Pinotti, CEO and Co-Founder of UnifyCloud. “Following on our win in 2020 as Microsoft Solution Assessment Partner of the Year, this shows how our CloudAtlas platform of SaaS solutions continues to accelerate Application Modernization for our customers, our partners, and Microsoft. We continue to innovate in this area, enhancing the capabilities of our platform to deliver results for our customers and build on our industry leadership. Look for these announcements in FY22.”

Vivek Bhatnagar, CTO and Co-Founder, added, “To be named finalists for the Modernizing Applications Partner of the Year Award is a true honor. As a company, we believe that Application Modernization combined with data innovation is the holy grail of digital transformation. UnifyCloud’s core mission has always been to help organizations in three core areas: modernizing existing applications and databases, enabling them to build a new cloud-native environment with Kubernetes, Serverless and Managed Databases, and helping them innovate with AI. Organizations that have already embarked on their transformation journey using UnifyCloud’s tools see wide-ranging benefits, which we believe is confirmation that we are successfully delivering on our mission. We are thrilled to receive this recognition from Microsoft.”

The Microsoft Partner of the Year Awards recognize Microsoft partners that have developed and delivered outstanding Microsoft-based solutions during the past year. Awards were classified in various categories, with honorees chosen from a set of more than 4,400 submitted nominations from more than 100 countries worldwide. UnifyCloud was recognized for providing outstanding solutions and services in Modernizing Applications.

The Modernizing Applications Partner of the Year Award recognizes a partner who has a track record of modernizing applications for the cloud, has demonstrated a deep understanding of business challenges, and has helped motivate adoption of new cloud technologies and practices. These are all central to UnifyCloud’s mission.

“I am honored to announce the winners and finalists of the 2021 Microsoft Partner of the Year Awards,” said Rodney Clark, corporate vice president, Global Partner Solutions, Channel Sales and Channel Chief, Microsoft. “These remarkable partners have displayed a deep commitment to building world-class solutions for customers—from cloud-to-edge—and represent some of the best and brightest our ecosystem has to offer.”

For more information on the 2021 Microsoft Partner of the Year awards and a list of winners and finalists please visit

About UnifyCloud: UnifyCloud was born in the cloud with the creation of the CloudAtlas platform to accelerate the modernization and migration of infrastructure, workloads, applications, and databases to the cloud. Built on Azure PaaS, CloudAtlas spans the entire cloud migration journey, assessing, migrating, and optimizing to Azure. UnifyCloud has been recognized as a finalist for the 2021 Microsoft Worldwide Modernizing Applications Partner of the Year Award, winner of the 2020 Microsoft Worldwide Solution Assessment Partner of the Year Award, and is proud to be a Microsoft Gold Partner, Cloud Solution Provider, Azure Data PAC member, IP Cosell Partner, and named one of Inc. 500’s fastest-growing Private Companies.

UnifyCloud – Microsoft 2020 Partner of the Year Award Winner

UnifyCloud Cloud Migration

UnifyCloud has been a transformative Solution Assessment Partner for many years and one of Microsoft’s top tool providers as well—scaling Solution Assessments through other Assessment and Migration Partners as well. This year, UnifyCloud went above and beyond by performing customer migrations, including helping drive a major deal
that went from “Assessment to ACR iGlobal SI Digital Tranformationn 10 weeks.” UnifyCloud has been a member of Microsoft’s Solution Assessment Partner Advisory Council (PAC) and a member of the Partner Steering Committee.
Congratulations to UnifyCloud. Visit Us for more details!

5 Benefits of Moving to Azure

CloudAtlas-logo-smoThere are countless benefits to migrating your data or website to Azure’s cloud; a few of our favorites include:

Ability to scale resources up and down – meaning you only pay for what you’re using. If you have a sudden influx of business, we can quickly scale your servers to handle the increase.

Azure reduces the cost of infrastructure. In the past, physical servers needed to be kept in a climate controlled room, with dedicated IT staff to maintain, update and rebuild when necessary. Microsoft Azure eliminates the need for physical infrastructure and all the challenges and expenses that go along with that.

Azure allows for easy accessibility. You can access your data on the cloud at any time and at any location. You do not have to be on premise and, in some cases, a VPN is not even required to access your data 24/7.

Microsoft Azure datacenters are highly secure and keep your data safe from natural disasters. With multiple storage options, data can be secured at multiple data centers, with at least 3 copies of data maintained on separate nodes.

Normally your system administrator would spend hours planning, installing, configuring virtual machines. Azure works quickly, taking only minutes to spin up new virtual machines.

Azure Business Benefits –

Ability to Scale on Demand


Cost Competitive

Customer support

Hybrid Capability

What is a Database Migration?

It is the process of changing & upgrading the data like MySQL to MS SQL or vice versa.

It is a complex, multiphase process, which usually includes assessment, database schema conversion (if you are changing engines), script conversion, data migration, functional testing, performance tuning, and many other steps.

 Following are the types of migrations:

  • Schema Migrations
  • Server Migrations
  • Version Migration
  • DBMS Migration

The steps for the Database Migration:

  1. Creating Migrations
  2. Transactional Migrations
  3. Applying Migrations
  4. Reverting Migrations
  5. Redoing Migrations
  6. Showing Migration Information
  7. Modifying Migration History
  8. Customizing Migration Command

For More Info! Visit Us!

Azure Baseline Management and Guidance Tools – CloudOrigin®

CloudOrigin-300x247Tools for Azure Guidance, Configuration and Baseline Management: Knowledgebase ensures Cybersecurity, Compliance (GRC) & Cost Controls –

Compliance & Security Simplified

CloudOrigin® represents the underlying Cloud Services settings repository and Cloud knowledge base that underpins the CloudAtlas® suite. Cloud Services are constantly going through upgrades and enhancements by Cloud Service Providers and CloudOrigin® is designed to be your authoritative source of revision control.

Ensure your Cloud environments and applications are operating as defined by internal, industry, and regulatory standards and compliance.

Azure Baseline Management

CIOs, CISOs, and IT Risk Management professionals can define their standards for Cloud-based applications through policies and Cloud service security-related settings.

Configuration Search

Developers can quickly focus on the baseline controls and settings they need to use as they deploy and manage their applications in a Cloud environment.

Role-based Access Control

Given the importance of CloudOrigin® as both a developer and risk management tool, Role-based access control is assigned to appropriate personnel only.

Change Log Management

The ability to track via audit trail who made what changes to the knowledge base is critical.

Export / Import (optional)

CloudOrigin® can import settings from a Cloud provider and easily integrate that into the development environment.

SME Updates (optional)

CIOs, CISOs, and IT Risk Management professionals responsible for defining and maintaining Cloud services settings can easily update CloudOrigin® to reflect the latest regulatory requirements. Contact Us!

Choose Your Migration Plans With Azure Cloud Datacenters to Move and Migrate Your Workloads

CloudAtlas-HeroCloudAtlas® has navigated many customers find their trail for cloud adoption. Organizations, still are slow to adopt an environment on virtual clouds and in terms of privacy, they hardly trust any migration process. CSPs are consistently providing and guiding migration steps and procedures in its best form to get the customer aligned themselves with the new cloud terminology for subscription based tools and services.

CloudAtlas® suit is so designed to help you get a secured environment for all your On-Premise applications to move forward with flexibility and associability with Azure compliance guidelines. Our migration tools and strategies include Azure best practices and adherence with the Identity Governance and its management throughout the procedural migration of workloads from On-Premise to Azure datacenters.

Core Services include:

Cost Management and Right Sizing – While you are on cloud, you cannot take the risk of overflow or underflow with the price and subscription offers paid for the services at cloud datacenters. And this is also not feasible to climb the trail without measuring the effectiveness of each service and its associated benefits. With our tools of migration, you are free to see a preview of your upcoming infrastructural environment on cloud and to locate your VMs and their corresponding DB servers with exact sizing details and their attached cost to scan, modify and migrate your complete workload over public, private or hybrid cloud. You can anytime check the thoroughness for the underutilized licensed resources and their usage with the ongoing operational processes of your organization; and this is how we measure each nitty-gritty associated with costing, usage and offer period for the subscribed service and their real-time utility for effectively making the working environment smooth and flexible over virtual replica of your On-Premise environment over cloud networks.

Security and Compliance –  View the dashboards to check the current state of your infrastructural operations specific to cybersecurity and vulnerability, cloud compliance and the required customization for configurational settings against the standard baselines of SaaS subscriptions. This will guide you with a comprehensive look for your apps and their loop-holes regarding cyber-threats and malicious activities occurring and occupying your network environment. So, identify the area of maximum risks, which can alter the process of the organizational workflow and will reduce the increment of your ROI.

Sizing optimization –  For migration you must calculate your expenses; and the TCO based calculation by CloudRecon® will help you calculate the required cost for the specific service and the physical resources on the virtual environment. This tool will give you the glance of actual utilization of services and the required subscriptions for SaaS, IaaS or PaaS to “Lift & Shift “your workloads with greater efficacies and coherence with the new adopted cloud technology. Visit Us! Continue reading

CloudSupervisor® Azure – Simplify your Data with Cloud Supervisor® Azure’s Advisor Analytics

CloudSupervisor® Azure – Simplify your data with Cloud Supervisor® Azure’s advisor analytics to share and empower your knowledge with dashboard representations including costing and resource utilization and estimating cloud expenditures.

Your application environment will execute on a better, reliable, and faster mode of transformation with new features of Azure to optimize your resources like Azure Space, SQL DB performance and enhancing storage capacity for Premium storage. The reports generated through this tool of optimization and provisioning will brief you with the recommendations for optimal resource configurations on your virtual and classic environment of systems.

You can now improve the operational environment with the High-accessibility of your optimal resources; their configurations, performance and improved support for maintenance.  View the highly-impacted areas of risk associated with the underutilized resources, their usage and renewal for the subscriptions. The tool is so organized and well-equipped with the technical utilities, to provide you a base to start for migration and movement with the Azure subscribed guidelines. The idea is to showcase all the important data and information at one place with maximum knowledge and recommendations for the expected specifications over cloud environment. So, you can easily measure the thoroughness of your existing environment against the virtual component settings for client and DB servers for their sizing, optimization and provisioning at the system and functionality level. The main components of recommendation will include the following:

  • Azure Space
  • SQL DB Performance
  • Premium Storage of your VMs on cloud datacenters.
  • Costing and subscriptions.

These recommendations will help you analyze the true behavior of your apps over SaaS modules and to optimize the costing cycle with effective resource utilization at each step of migration.  Public cloud environments use tremendous amount of data and information to get these transact on simplified web platforms; and subscription based services helps you to take advantage of these resources for your organizational benefits. CloudSupervisor® Azure will help you manifest your dreams for a healthy, secured and grounded foundation of your organization with cloud organized tools and services.

Few benefits of Advisor analytics:

  • High Availability – A consolidated representation of your VMs, application utilities and recommendations to help you grow and empower your decisions with Azure migrations.
  • Security of your SQL server instances will be mapped and logged for each operational working of your environment.
  • Optimize indexing for better performance and resource utilization.

Stabilize your environment by knowing the exact consumption of your asset and lowering or measuring the cost as per the use of that asset, so if it is required to snooze off with the services, it will optimize the cost and supports the organizational growth. So, enhance your Business efficacies with CloudSupervisor® Azure’s recommendations.