Enhance Security and Compliance with Saas

Enormous use of cloud on public, private and community networks are making the security and compliance issues to be resolved on the highest priority. According to Gartner survey report in 2015, following graph depict the security concerns for cloud.abUsers are not aware about who is accessing their data and applications and how much secure, is the CSP provider. On the multitenant services, the data can be hacked and viewed by competitors. SaaS security covers, “application discovery” which will discover all the applications on the single network and provide visibility for risk factors involved. In SaaS, applications are deployed and managed at the CSP provider’s datacenter. These services are paid with subscriptions and are accessible over the net. Customer can get the license for the services on demand for example: Salesforce.com CRM application is a SaaS based app. Virtualization is one of the major component of cloud, having number of different instances running on the same server and isolated from each other, which is the main concern of security. Local users can bypass few specific security restrictions to gain authority over virtualization. Therefore, the CSPs has to revise the scenarios in depth with all the compliance guidelines under SaaS. Following image outlined the security issues in SaaS.bc

SaaS applications require an architecture, which has security mapping in its core with capabilities of multiple concurrent procedures, resource isolation for data security through isolation of virtual and hypervisor cache. SaaS architecture use, Identity and access management to further synchronize the process for authentication and authorization with application control mechanism. Data isolation and resource localization among the distributed architecture with authentication controls over a secured network is the base for a simplified, secured environment on cloud.


Current Solutions available for securing application infrastructure in SaaS:


Security Areas Solutions with SaaS
Authentication and authorization ·Open authorization

·Two Factor Authentication

OAUTCH Security in SaaS Connectors (OAuth 1.0 protocol is an international standard authentication method developed by the Open API.)
OAuth contains three objects.
User/Consumer/Service Provider.

User – A personal account to use the Service Provider.

Consumer – OAuth Service Provider to access the web site or application

Service Provider – Web applications to support access via OAuth.


Availability ·Data Dispersion
Data confidentiality ·Attribute based Proxy Re-Encryption
Virtual Machine Security • Reconfigurable distributed virtual machine

• Survey on Virtual machine Security

Information  Security • Information Security Risk Management Framework
Network  Security • Network Security for virtual machines  • Network Security Sandbox
Cloud standards • IEEE Cloud Computing Standard Study Group

• ITU Cloud Computing Focus Group

• Cloud Security Alliance (CSA)

Data Access • Multi-user access policies

• Data Access Management

Web application security • Web Application Scanners
Data breaches
Backup • Agentless Method for data Backup and Recovery
Identity management and sign-on process • CSA’s Identity and Access Management Guidance

In SaaS, Microsoft provide an operational and secured infrastructure with multiple host environments including different application layers. Data transaction is secured with network protocols between Microsoft and the customer. User can control and secure data and can identify and configure the set of application controls with the cloud services. Microsoft provide enterprise cloud services with comprehensive tactics, including data and information processing over physical storage and datacenters. Microsoft has clearly defined the customer responsibilities and role in the security management of data and information. Following are some best security models, which can enhance the security and compliance for your applications under SaaS.

  • Identity and access management to use across Azure and other services such as Office 365,to process efficiently over distributed farms and environment and to control user access for all the applications.
  • Azure Active Directory, provide a controlled access management for data and information over Azure, Office 365 and other application on cloud.
  • Multi-Factor Authentication and access monitoring offers heightened security mechanism.
  • Azure Key Vault – use of cryptographic keys and other secrets used by cloud apps and services(Microsoft do not use or extract your keys)
  • “Third- party” SaaS identity control management – Single sign-on and integration provided by Azure Ad enables a secured access of applications over SaaS, such as Salesforce.
  • Perfect Forward Secrecy (PFS) – use different encryption key for each connection, to protect access of system, through hackers.
  • Data at rest – SaaS services use encryption at rest to protect your data on Microsoft servers and datacenters.
  • Privacy reviews – As a part of process and documentation, privacy reviews are organized to verify that privacy requirements are adequately addressed. It will allow the customer to control the information and data for their application and executing user management for who can access the application to meet all the regulatory security guidelines.
  • Customer Data use – Microsoft services do not use the customer data for advertising and provide “No Standing Access policy” to access the customer data by any Microsoft personnel, it can be used for support and operations related and then can be revoked when no longer required.
  • Data ownership – All the data including all text, sound, software, or image files, provided by the customer is solely related to the customer.
  • Operational Security for Online Services (OSA) – OSA is used as a framework to focus on infrastructure related issues to help and protect “system and operations” throughout the lifecycle of cloud-based services.
  • Private connection – All the applications can use “ExpressRoute” to establish a private connection to Azure datacenters, keeping their traffic and access off the Internet.
  • Incident management – used, to alleviate the effects of attacks and malicious activities for the system. Procedural incident management is guided among the team for all the communication and recovery, and use of discoverable and predictable interfaces is coherently processed with internal and external customers.

Implementing and Managing Cloud Solutions – CloudAtlas®

cropped-cloud-computing-banner-copy.jpgEnterprise planning is essential for implementing and managing cloud solutions for various applications while migrating to cloud. The migration activities should map with the cloud strategic steps to get the most of cloud environment. The business requirements for complete life cycle of any project can be streamlined with better planning and execution of the approach. Analyze the phase in your system and IT infrastructure processes, when the exact need to implement cloud is emerged and the essential tactics, business needs to follow. This process of analysis is equally followed by large enterprise and SMBs. So it is required to implement a cloud strategy that is accurate and effective for your business.

Following are the required scenarios for any IT enabled infrastructure merging with cloud.

  • IT services should be business oriented.
  • Application should support multiple browsers and operating systems for the recent technological enhancements in the market.
  • Providing a common ground for multiple subscribers to plug and play their infrastructure’s vision with single pool for all resources.
  • Accessibility on the cloud environment with scalable and flexible solutions.
  • End users might require detailed information of the product for initial approvals. Creating effective use cases, storyboarding, and executing online webinars or one to one sessions with the customer will prove the best technique in making the customer familiar with the requirements of cloud environment.
  • Understanding the capability of system and applications to extend business operations with respect to private, public and hybrid clouds.
  • Analyze ROI measurements.
  • Keeping the growth constant with consecutive execution of processes.

End users accessing the systems on cloud is generally not aware about the cloud base on which the application is working on. Application owners must be attentive to accumulate different components and information running between distributed environments. Application performance must be analyzed with different analytics tools and systems to fetch and track the utilization of the system by different resources and users. In this way, the core issues holding the growth of overall performance for each zone associated with the system, the cloud environment and the organizational processes could be easily and effectively resolved. Monitoring is another effective and essential component in application management to get the details of system performance on different levels of execution. It helps to maintain the quality standards.

Monitoring usage:

  • System health determination at all levels.
  • Tracking the effectiveness of each component for bulk content.
  • Checking for the constant throughput with complete system execution life cycle.
  • Tracing the system accuracy with service-level agreements (SLAs) for SaaS, PaaS or IaaS established with the customer.
  • Determining the loopholes and then to rectify the issues with constant technical or administrative support.
  • Subsequent updates for software and deployment to keep the application health and performance on track.
  • Ensuring quality maintenance for all the deliverables. Visit Us!

SaaS Best Practices – CloudAtlas®

saas-best-practicesBest Practices for SaaS include how the system and infrastructures are using SaaS solutions to organize the data and applications to map with business analytical tools and services. SaaS envisioned the crunch of data distributed at different servers on a single view and provided a secured mechanism for storing and displaying the data on open cloud platforms. Technology is changing day-by-day and so as the user’s way of learning and accessing the data is changing. Users are more security centric and are looking for such services to be used with their day-to-day transactions for data processing either through desktop PCs, mobile, net banking etc. Few of the best practices facilitated by “Microsoft Azure” for BIG – DATA analytics through Azure Machine Learning and Hadoop are the common tools to visualize data and a transparent way of communication in B to C scenarios.

Hadoop Benefits:

* Accumulate structured or unstructured data through web streams, media clips, devices and server logs.

* Datacenters provided to store the data, which reduces physical assets at On-Premises.

* Microsoft office services like excel, supported by Hadoop to represent huge amount of data.

* Data connectivity and real time stream processing for resources through large-scale events.

Machine learning Benefits:

* Tabular data structure for bulk data.

* Create a virtual machine to clean, store and process data at On-Premise servers.

* Use decision tree for scenario selection.

CloudAtlas® suit has implemented these best practices in three stages and the tools CloudRecon®, CloudPilot®, CloudSupervisor® and CloudOrigin® associated with this suit are able to represent bulk amount of data for large or small enterprises, organizing many events and processing scattered objects to visualize and display on a single dashboard.

* Discover & Assess – In this phase, bulk data through different resources of streaming and buffering is crunched to create workloads.

* Target & Migrate – Compute, Store and validate the acquired data through On-Premise applications.

* Monitor & Report – BI tools to represent data on dashboards in a structured, tabular format to analyze bulk amount of data.

Impact of these best practices:

* Supply chain management use this by Big-data “Handoop” mechanism to improve performance for real time data processing.

* Predictive analysis of inventories to diagnose loop holes in a system.

* Synchronized business for operational activities throughout the organization for HRM, CRM, Supply chain and other functional groups. Visit Us!

Do I need to implement SaaS?

SaaS, is the basic component of building an enterprise application with standards and protocols to regulate and enhance the key process areas. For Cloud based solutions and infrastructures, CSPs has to provide a stable architecture for migration and SaaS requirements management. Our Cloud based solutions CloudRecon®, CloudSupervisor®, CloudPilot® and CloudOrigin® are capable of analyzing an application to its core for code and configurational changes required for application migration to cloud. Service on demand is a success till the CSPs are providing innovative solution with rapid and incremental growth for technological improvements and requirements. Subscriptions must be signed-up; keeping in business scenarios aligned with standards of security and data accuracy at its maximum level.

SaaS Offerings:

  • Agility of business processes – Solutions should be agile enough to map the business requirements like for CRM/ ERP applications so as to implement and configure the application business rules. This involves: Modification of business logic, Metadata driven architecture (Metadata, Metadata Services, and An Engine), User specific preferences are stored on the form of Metadata and the interface is then built up for the exact requirement.
  • BizTalk Server (process execution engine, multi-transport messaging hub)
  • Multi-tenant efficiency (Database configurability, to lower the cost of hardware and backup required to maintain separate database for each tenant is now minimized by Common repository with logically isolated schemas.
  • Security (Authentication and Authorization Services)
  • Delegated-administration model (centralized authentication system or a decentralized authentication system)

Risk mitigation:

  • Filtering – Based on the single-instance and an authentication service provided as a middle layer, a tenant could recognize its application resources without interrupting other tenants on the same plane.
  • Permissions – Access control mechanisms used to limit the application resources available with privileges given administration.
  • Encryption – Encrypting the credentials and other inputs to identify the user on the route, prohibits unauthorized way of accessing the systems.

SaaS will organize a community of CSPs with the value based systems of scalable and configurable, multi- tenant interfaces, which are self-defensive to threats and Infosec emerging with public or hybrid clouds and is a valid options for CIOS’s or CTOs to choose the best strategy with solutions recognizing and eliminating data breach and redundancy of resources. Read More !

Cloud Migration Services and Solutions

“Cloud at the Globe” is now a recommended solution in today’s IT world, increasing for services of Messaging, Video calling, data transfer and networking paradigm. At Unifycloud we are implementing services for on-premises applications which manage “Threat detection” based on Microsoft guide lines and Microsoft cloud platform (Azure). CloudAtlas® suit is one of the cloud solution provider, which Discover and assess the on-premises IT infrastructure to deploy it on Hybrid cloud with measured risk and cybersecurity standards for SaaS/IaaS/PaaS and provide flexible Licensing for Free Trial, Standard and Premium pricing services with CloudRecon®, CloudPilot®, CloudSupervisor® and CloudOrigin® tools.
According to CSP program by Microsoft,  All the Solution provider are committed to provide best solutions; to meet the Customer Needs as stated in their program:
•    To Control and manage network and system configurations at ease with secured transfer protocol services.
•    Threat detection against data breach or inappropriate content and information, Cyber-attacks.
•    Commitment to provide services in compliance with CSP partner Agreement.
•    CSPs has to create Azure subscription on Partner Center portal to use the services.


Cloud Solution Provider Business Model

According to survey reports of IDC, IT decision makers now are the future CIOs to build Line of Business (LoB) for on-premises IT infrastructures and the cloud market for public/private or hybrid system and networks will increase to $500 Billion by 2020


Cloud Solution Provider

Microsoft has designed a collection of five eBooks, the Modern Microsoft Partner series to help Cloud service providers to their navigation towards cloud.
These will help to organize the business model for LoBs as:
•    Resale of third party software, hardware, and services
•    Project or professional services
•    Managed services
•    Intellectual property
Microsoft advance support to cloud migration services and solutions for CSPs:
•    To make customers and business updated with latest technologies in support with Microsoft Cloud Services.
•    Manage Support incidents.
•    Design and development support for deployment of on-premises applications and systems on cloud.
•     Providing Technical content and training materials about deliveries and products for cloud migration services and solutions.
•    Optimizing solutions and analyze growth prospects for the customers. For More Info : Visit Us!

UnifyCloud Announces CloudAtlas® to Accelerate Adoption of Microsoft Cloud Solutions

Unifycloud llc to release and demonstrate CloudAtlas® as a service to accelerate adoption of microsoft cloud solutions

A suite of Azure-hosted solutions to help identify Cloud migration opportunities, move applications and workloads to the Cloud quickly and efficiently, and ensure that proper IT controls and policies are followed in the Cloud. For More Information Visit Us!

Cloud Migration Tools – CloudAtlas®

CloudAtlas® Cloud Migration Tools can help get you to the Cloud quickly, securely and in compliance.

CloudAtlas® Cloud Migration Tools provide insight into your legacy systems and provide you with a Cloud Strategy to migrate your selected applications to the Cloud (SaaS, IaaS and PaaS). Cloud Migration Products

Great offers available for first few customers at CSP portal for the newly launched “Microsoft Enterprise solutions”, plan your subscriptions for monthly or yearly basis and lock your savings with CSP’s cost optimized billing methods of resell.