SaaS Best Practices – CloudAtlas®

saas-best-practicesBest Practices for SaaS include how the system and infrastructures are using SaaS solutions to organize the data and applications to map with business analytical tools and services. SaaS envisioned the crunch of data distributed at different servers on a single view and provided a secured mechanism for storing and displaying the data on open cloud platforms. Technology is changing day-by-day and so as the user’s way of learning and accessing the data is changing. Users are more security centric and are looking for such services to be used with their day-to-day transactions for data processing either through desktop PCs, mobile, net banking etc. Few of the best practices facilitated by “Microsoft Azure” for BIG – DATA analytics through Azure Machine Learning and Hadoop are the common tools to visualize data and a transparent way of communication in B to C scenarios.

Hadoop Benefits:

* Accumulate structured or unstructured data through web streams, media clips, devices and server logs.

* Datacenters provided to store the data, which reduces physical assets at On-Premises.

* Microsoft office services like excel, supported by Hadoop to represent huge amount of data.

* Data connectivity and real time stream processing for resources through large-scale events.

Machine learning Benefits:

* Tabular data structure for bulk data.

* Create a virtual machine to clean, store and process data at On-Premise servers.

* Use decision tree for scenario selection.

CloudAtlas® suit has implemented these best practices in three stages and the tools CloudRecon®, CloudPilot®, CloudSupervisor® and CloudOrigin® associated with this suit are able to represent bulk amount of data for large or small enterprises, organizing many events and processing scattered objects to visualize and display on a single dashboard.

* Discover & Assess – In this phase, bulk data through different resources of streaming and buffering is crunched to create workloads.

* Target & Migrate – Compute, Store and validate the acquired data through On-Premise applications.

* Monitor & Report – BI tools to represent data on dashboards in a structured, tabular format to analyze bulk amount of data.

Impact of these best practices:

* Supply chain management use this by Big-data “Handoop” mechanism to improve performance for real time data processing.

* Predictive analysis of inventories to diagnose loop holes in a system.

* Synchronized business for operational activities throughout the organization for HRM, CRM, Supply chain and other functional groups. Visit Us!